CommunityWars Terms of Service

These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") stipulate the conditions for the use of this service and the rights and obligations between the users of this service and Digital Entertainment Asset Pte. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company"). When using this service, you are required to read the entire Terms and agree to them.

Article 1: Scope of Application

  1. These Terms aim to define the conditions for providing this service and the rights and obligations between the Company and users concerning the use of this service. They apply to all relationships between the Company and users regarding the use of this service.

  2. The rules related to the use of this service published on the Company's website are considered part of these Terms.

  3. If the content of these Terms conflicts with the rules or explanations of this service outside these Terms, these Terms will take precedence.

Article 2: Definitions

The terms used in these Terms are defined as follows:

  1. "This Service": All services provided under the name "CommunityWars" by the Company (including any services after any name or content changes for any reason).

  2. "Usage Agreement": The service usage agreement concluded between the Company and the registered user based on these Terms.

  3. "Company Website, etc.": The website ( and smartphone app operated under the name "CommunityWars" (including any name, domain, or content changes for any reason).

  4. "User": All customers who use this service, including registered users.

  5. "Applicant": Those who wish to use this service and apply for user registration.

  6. "Registered User": Those who have entered the necessary information (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Information"), completed the user registration process, and obtained the Company's approval.

  7. "Paid Gems": Prepaid payment methods issued by the Company on this service, which can be used for payment of paid service usage fees, etc.

  8. "Free Gems": Free points granted without charge by the Company when specified conditions are met.

  9. "Reward Points": In-game items granted without charge by the Company when specified conditions are met.

  10. "Transmitted Data": Content sent by users using this service (including but not limited to text, images, photos, responses, messages, and other data).

  11. "Intellectual Property Rights": Copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights (including rights to apply for registration or obtain these rights).

Article 3: Establishment of the Usage Agreement

The Usage Agreement between the user and the Company is established when the user agrees to these Terms and completes the application for use as specified by the Company.

Article 4: Registration

  1. Applicants can apply for user registration by agreeing to comply with these Terms and providing the information specified by the Company in the manner specified by the Company.

  2. The Company will determine whether to approve the registration of applicants based on its criteria and notify the applicant if approved. The registration as a registered user is completed upon this notification by the Company.

  3. The Company may refuse registration or re-registration if the applicant falls under any of the following and is not obligated to disclose the reasons:

    1. If there are false, incorrect, or omitted entries in the registration details provided to the Company.

    2. If the applicant is a minor, an adult ward, a person under curatorship, or a person under assistance, and has not obtained the consent, etc., of a legal representative, guardian, curator, or assistant.

    3. If the applicant is deemed to be part of an anti-social force (such as organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, right-wing groups, anti-social forces, or similar entities) or involved in anti-social activities.

    4. If the applicant has previously violated any agreement with the Company or is associated with such a person.

    5. If the applicant already holds an account for this service.

    6. If the applicant is deemed to have violated Article 8 (Prohibited Matters) in the past or is likely to do so.

    7. If the applicant has previously been subject to measures under Article 14 (Cancellation of Registration, etc.).

    8. Other cases where the Company reasonably deems the registration inappropriate.

Article 5: Change of Registration Details

Registered users must promptly notify the Company of any changes to their registration details in the manner specified by the Company.

Article 6: Management of Passwords and User IDs

  1. Users must manage and store their passwords and user IDs for this service at their own risk and must not allow third parties to use, lend, transfer, change the name, or sell them.

  2. Users are responsible for any damages caused by inadequate management, incorrect use, or use by third parties of their passwords or user IDs.

Article 7: Handling of User Information

  1. The handling of user information by the Company is governed by the Company's Privacy Policy. Registered users agree to the handling of their information according to this policy.

  2. The Company may use and disclose the information and data provided by users as statistical information that does not identify individuals at its discretion, and registered users agree to this.

Article 8: Prohibited Matters

Users must not engage in any of the following acts or any acts that the Company reasonably determines fall under these categories when using this service:

  1. Acts that violate these Terms or other agreements between the user and the Company.

  2. Acts that violate laws or are related to criminal activities.

  3. Acts of fraud or threats against the Company, other users of this service, or third parties.

  4. Acts against public order and morals.

  5. Acts that infringe on the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor, or other rights or interests of the Company, other users, or third parties.

  6. Transmitting the following information through this service that the Company reasonably determines to fall under or may fall under:

  7. Acts that place an excessive load on the network or system of this service.

  8. Acts of unauthorized operation of the service using BOTs, cheat tools, or other technical means.

  9. Intentional use of service glitches (including excessively repeating such acts).

  10. Acts of reverse engineering or analyzing the software or other systems provided by the Company.

  11. Acts that may interfere with the operation of this service or the use by other users.

  12. Acts of unauthorized access to the network or system of the Company.

  13. Impersonation of third parties.

  14. Using the ID or password of another user.

  15. Advertising, solicitation, or business activities on this service without prior approval from the Company.

  16. Collecting information of other users.

  17. Acts that give disadvantages, damages, or discomfort to the Company, other users, or third parties.

  18. Acts that conflict with the rules related to the use of this service published on the Company's website.

  19. Providing benefits to anti-social forces.

  20. Acts aimed at meeting unfamiliar individuals of the opposite sex.

  21. Holding multiple accounts for this service.

  22. Using the same account by multiple people.

  23. Acts that fall under or are reasonably determined by the Company to fall under the following:

  24. Directly or indirectly causing or facilitating the aforementioned acts.

  25. Attempting the aforementioned acts.

  26. Other acts that the Company reasonably determines to be inappropriate.

Article 9: Fees and Payments

  1. Users who use the paid services of this service must pay the usage fees specified by the Company and displayed on the Company's website, etc., by the method specified by the Company.

  2. If the user delays payment of the usage fees, the user must pay the Company a late charge of 14.6% per year.

Article 10: Paid Gems

  1. Registered users can purchase paid gems in the manner specified by the Company.

  2. Paid gems can be used to pay for the usage fees of paid services of this service. Content purchased using paid gems is considered provided upon purchase and does not constitute prepaid payment methods.

  3. Paid gems have no expiration date.

  4. Paid gems cannot be refunded except as required by law.

  5. Paid gems cannot be transferred or lent to third parties.

Article 11: Free Gems

  1. Free gems are granted to registered users free of charge when specified conditions are met.

  2. Free gems can be used to pay for the usage fees of specified paid services of this service (free gems are consumed first if both paid gems and free gems are held).

  3. Free gems cannot be transferred or lent to third parties.

  4. If the Company reasonably determines that the free gems were granted due to fraudulent acts or violations of these Terms, the Company can cancel the granted free gems. If the balance of free gems is insufficient to cover the canceled quantity, the registered user must return the equivalent amount as unjust enrichment.

Article 12: Reward Points

  1. Reward points are granted to registered users free of charge when specified conditions are met.

  2. Registered users can use reward points to use paid services of this service (reward points cannot be used in conjunction with paid gems or free gems). Reward points can also be used to exchange for specified prizes (a PlayMiningID is required to exchange reward points for DEAPcoin (hereinafter referred to as "DEP")). If the PlayMiningID is suspended, restricted, or deleted, reward points cannot be exchanged for DEP.

  3. Reward points cannot be transferred or lent to third parties.

  4. If the Company reasonably determines that the reward points were granted due to fraudulent acts or violations of these Terms, the Company can cancel the granted reward points. If the balance of reward points is insufficient to cover the canceled quantity, the registered user must return the equivalent amount as unjust enrichment.

Article 13: NFTs

  1. Registered users can use NFTs purchased within this service within the service.

  2. Registered users can manage the NFTs in this service by linking them with a PlayMiningID operated by the Company.

  3. A PlayMiningID is required to burn NFTs in this service.

  4. Other matters related to NFTs are governed by the terms related to PlayMining between the Company and the users.

Article 14: Cancellation of Registration, etc.

  1. The Company can delete or hide transmitted data, temporarily suspend the use of this service, or cancel the registration of users without prior notice or demand if the user falls under any of the following:

    1. If the user violates any provision of these Terms or other agreements between the Company and the user.

    2. If false information is found in the registration details.

    3. If the user suspends or becomes unable to pay, or if bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, corporate reorganization, special liquidation, or similar procedures are initiated.

    4. If the user has not used this service for more than six months.

    5. If the user does not respond to inquiries or other communications from the Company for more than 30 days.

    6. If the user falls under any of the items in Article 4, paragraph 3.

    7. Other cases where the Company reasonably determines that it is inappropriate to continue the use of this service or the registration.

  2. If the user falls under any of the items in the preceding paragraph, the user will lose the benefit of time for all debts to the Company and must immediately pay all debts to the Company.

  3. If the use of this service is temporarily suspended or the registration as a user is canceled, the user cannot use the paid gems, free gems, and reward points (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Gems, etc.") held by the user, and no refunds will be made in any case.

Article 15: Withdrawal

  1. If a user intends to stop using this service, the user must notify the Company of the withdrawal following the procedures specified by the Company. No fees will be charged for the withdrawal.

  2. If the user withdraws, the registration will be canceled, and the Gems, etc. held by the user will become unusable.

  3. No refunds will be made for paid fees in any case when the user withdraws.

Article 16: Compensation for Damages

If the Company incurs costs related to claims from third parties due to the user's violation of these Terms, or if the Company pays compensation, the user must bear the costs and compensation paid by the Company (including attorney fees paid by the Company).

Article 17: Suspension, Interruption, or Termination of the Service

  1. The Company can suspend, interrupt, or terminate all or part of this service if it is due to any of the following reasons and will not be liable for any damages caused to users or third parties:

    1. If regular or urgent maintenance or inspection of the computer system for providing this service is conducted.

    2. If this service becomes inoperable due to fires, power outages, natural disasters, etc.

    3. If this service becomes inoperable due to wars, internal conflicts, riots, disturbances, labor disputes, government or public agency actions, etc.

    4. If this service cannot be provided due to computer system failures, unauthorized access by third parties, computer virus infections, suspension or urgent maintenance of external services such as cloud services.

    5. If this service cannot be provided due to legal or regulatory measures.

    6. Other cases where the Company determines it is unavoidable.

  2. If the Company suspends, interrupts, or terminates the operation of this service based on the preceding paragraph, the Company will notify users and third parties through the website, etc., in advance. However, this does not apply in emergencies.

  3. The Company can suspend or terminate all or part of this service by notifying users and third parties in advance through this service. The Company will not be liable for any damages caused to users or third parties due to this.

  4. The Company can change the content or name of this service by notifying users and third parties in advance through the website, etc. The Company will not be liable for any damages caused to users or third parties due to this.

  5. If users continue to use this service after the period specified by the Company has elapsed following the notice of changes to the content or name of this service based on the preceding paragraph, the users are deemed to have agreed to the changes, and the changes will take effect between the users and the Company.

Article 18: Ownership of Rights

  1. All intellectual property rights related to this service or the Company website, etc., belong to the Company or the licensors of the Company. The use of this service based on these Terms does not imply a license to use the intellectual property rights of the Company or the licensors of the Company related to this service or the Company website, etc.

  2. Users represent and warrant to the Company that they have lawful rights to the transmitted data and that the transmitted data does not infringe on the rights of third parties.

  3. Users transfer all rights, including copyrights, to the transmitted data (including rights stipulated in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act) to the Company free of charge at the time of transmission through this service.

  4. Users agree not to exercise moral rights of authors against the Company and parties who have inherited or been granted rights from the Company.

Article 19: Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

  1. The Company does not guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, that this service is suitable for a specific purpose, has the expected functions, commercial value, accuracy, or usefulness, that the use of this service by users complies with applicable laws or internal rules of industry organizations, that it does not infringe on third-party rights, that it can be used continuously, or that there are no defects.

  2. The Company will not be liable for damages incurred by users related to this service beyond the amount of consideration paid by the users to the Company in the past 12 months. However, this does not apply if the users are consumers under the Consumer Contract Act and the Company is intentionally or grossly negligent.

  3. Users are responsible for resolving any transactions, communications, disputes, etc., that occur between users and other users or third parties in relation to this service or the Company website, etc.

Article 20: Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces

  1. Users represent and warrant to the Company that they do not and will not fall under any of the following categories:

    1. Organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, quasi-members of organized crime groups, companies affiliated with organized crime groups, corporate racketeers, groups engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns, crime groups specialized in intellectual crimes, persons who have not been members of organized crime groups for more than five years, or other equivalent persons (collectively "Anti-Social Forces").

    2. Relationships where Anti-Social Forces control management, relationships where Anti-Social Forces are substantially involved in management, relationships where Anti-Social Forces are used for the purpose of securing wrongful gains for oneself or a third party or causing damage to a third party, relationships where funds or benefits are provided to Anti-Social Forces, or other relationships that should be socially condemned.

    3. Acts of using oneself or a third party to make violent demands, unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility, threatening behavior or acts of violence concerning transactions, spreading rumors, using fraudulent means or force to damage the Company's reputation or obstruct the Company's business, or other equivalent acts.

  2. If users violate the preceding paragraph, the Company can take necessary measures, such as canceling the user's registration, terminating the contract, or other measures deemed reasonable by the Company without any notice or demand.

  3. Users who violate paragraph 1 are liable for compensating the Company for any damages incurred due to the violation.

Article 21: Confidentiality

Users must treat as confidential any non-public information disclosed by the Company to users in relation to this service that the Company requires to be kept confidential, except with prior written consent from the Company.

Article 22: Changes to These Terms

  1. The Company can change these Terms by specifying the effective date and notifying users of the changes, the content of the changes, and the effective date by posting on this service or the Company website, etc., or by other appropriate means if any of the following applies:

    1. If the changes are in the users' interest.

    2. If the changes do not conflict with the purpose of these Terms, and the necessity of the changes, the reasonableness of the content after the changes, and other circumstances related to the changes are reasonable.

  2. If users continue to use this service after the period specified by the Company has elapsed following the notice of changes to these Terms based on the preceding paragraph, the users are deemed to have agreed to the changes, and the changes will take effect between the users and the Company.

  3. Users cannot claim ignorance or non-acceptance of the changes after the effective date specified in the notice of changes.

Article 23: Contact and Notices

  1. Inquiries about this service and other communications or notices from users to the Company, as well as notifications of changes to these Terms and other communications or notices from the Company to users, are conducted in the manner specified by the Company.

  2. When the Company contacts or notifies the email address or other contact information registered by the user, the user is deemed to have received the contact or notification.

Article 24: Assignment of the Usage Agreement

  1. Users cannot transfer, assign, pledge, or otherwise dispose of their position under the Usage Agreement or rights or obligations under these Terms to any third party without prior written consent from the Company.

  2. If the Company transfers the business related to this service to another company, the Company can transfer the position under the Usage Agreement, rights and obligations under these Terms, and registration details and other customer information to the transferee of the business, and users agree to this transfer in advance. The business transfer mentioned in this paragraph includes not only ordinary business transfers but also company splits and other cases where the business is transferred.

Article 25: Severability

Even if any provision of these Terms or a part thereof is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under laws, the remaining provisions of these Terms and the remaining part of the provision determined to be partially invalid or unenforceable will continue to be in full force and effect.

Article 26: Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  1. These Terms and the Usage Agreement are governed by the laws of Japan.

  2. Any disputes arising out of or related to these Terms or the Usage Agreement will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

Established on June 1, 2024